Best for producing legolas, celebrity, the lord of the rings, and orlando bloom images. Activation keywords: 0rlbl0
Orlando Bloom - Legolas (The Lord of the Rings)
Best for producing character, the lord of the rings, sarah mcleod, and rosie cotton images. Activation keywords: r0s13c
Sarah McLeod - Rosie Cotton (The Lord of the Rings)
Best for producing character, lord of the rings, the lord of the rings, villain, movie character, antagonist, book character, and riders images. Activation keywords: TheNazgul1024, man without face, and cape
The Nazgûl - The Lord of the Rings - SDXL
Best for producing celebrity, the lord of the rings, and frodo beggins images. Activation keywords: frodo
Frodo Beggins
Best for producing character, arwen, and the lord of the rings images. Activation keywords: a4rw3n
Arwen – (The Lord of the Rings)
Best for producing character, lotr, orc, the lord of the rings, movie character, and book character images. Activation keywords: Orc1024 and orc
Gothmog - The Lord of the Rings - SDXL
Best for producing house, buildings, lord of the rings, hobbit, building, the lord of the rings, and the shire images. Activation keywords: Hobbit Hole, and flower, tree,
Hobbit Hole (Shire in Eriador, Middle Earth) (Lord of the Rings)
Best for producing celebrity, the lord of the rings, saruman, and christopher lee images. Activation keywords: s4r8m3n
Saruman - Christopher Lee - ( The Lord of the Rings)